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Token gate - Changelog

Below you will find the changelog for the Web3 Token Gate WordPress Plugin.

Web3 Token Gate Changelog

= 1.0.7 (18 Apr 2024) =
* New: Added caching support (PRO).
* New: Added support for ERC 1155 NFT (PRO).

= 1.0.6 (20 Dec 2023) =
* New: Restrict content by token number.
* New: Implement automatic caching.
* Fix: Bugs

= 1.0.5 (24 July 2023) =
* Dev: Update freemius SDK

= 1.0.4 (17 Oct 2022) =
* Fix: Incorrect Label in verification form.

= 1.0.3 (16 Oct 2022) =
* New: Hide the activate wallet button on success.
* New (Premium Feature): Add an option to explicitly define success output types.

= 1.0.2 (10 Oct 2022) =
* Fix: Use SSL Encrypted API

= 1.0.1 (3 Oct 2022) =
* New: Go Pro link in the plugin menu.
* New: Added Affiliation form in the plugin.
* Fix: Duplicate Gate connection issue.

= 1.0.0 (29 Sep 2022) =
* New: Initial Release.

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